Marriage preparation takes time, and usually, people who do weddings are new to the scene. Not all people get married twice right? So usually, they have no experience to begin. This article won’t be the ultimate guide on how to pick the right theme for your wedding, but this will help you out a lot. After all, no one can create an ultimate wedding guide due to the fact the people’s preferences are diverse.
Plan based on your resources.
Before deciding on a theme, be aware of your budget and any other resources. One primary resource that you should always take note of is the venue. Venue won’t matter if you can afford any place available as a venue for your wedding, but if you only have limited options to choose from, decide on a place you can afford and prepare for a visit.
Go to the site and take notes of everything important. Is it open? Will it be possible to set up some sound system? Is there enough facility for hanged decoration? If you’ll going to need your partner’s decision in the theme, go with your partner so that both of you are aware of what is waiting for the both you and you’ll be able to decide better.
The venue is not just the resource you should know of; you also need to be aware of other stuff like catering service, gown, will it fit the theme, wedding cars rental, etc. Keep this in mind while deciding on what kind of theme are you going to choose.
List down options and communicate with your partner and friends.
Now that you’re aware of the resources, it’s time to list down plausible theme. Maybe you are a star wars fanatic, and that closed covered venue can be easily converted to feel like a spaceship, be creative with your options, after all, this is just a list.
Maybe you want everything to be super formal with the tux and designer’s dress. Communicate with your friends to ensure that they can prepare for it. Not everyone can come up with a proper costume in a short time and telling them will let you gauge if something is viable or not.
Decide on something and commit to it.
Now, you have a list of the possible themes; it’s time to get to the action. When choosing a theme, look up the future, no, not just the wedding event itself, future as in the time after 20-40 years.
A particular idea may be silly right now, like, snow white theme with all those dwarves, but it will be golden memories in the future. Once you get decided on a theme, don’t forget to commit to it, giving it your best. Even a ridiculous idea could be one of the best if executed well.
Deciding on a wedding theme is important, but do not let it be the focus of your wedding. After all, the wedding about you and your partner. Do what you can do, commit to it then enjoy your wedding, and it will be one of the most unforgettable time of your life.